Expand description

§Restricted Xtokens Pallet


This pallet is a wrapper pallet over orml-xtokens which allows the runtime to create arbitrary filters for transfers of x-chain-transfers. The interface mimic 1-to-1 the interface of orml-xtokens.


§Dispatchable functions

  • transfer: Transfer local assets with given CurrencyId and Amount.
  • transfer_multiasset: Transfer Asset assets.
  • transfer_with_fee: Transfer native currencies specifying the fee and amount as separate.
  • transfer_multiasset_with_fee: Transfer Asset specifying the fee and amount as separate.
  • transfer_multicurrencies: Transfer several currencies specifying the item to be used as fee.
  • transfer_multiassets: Transfer several Asset specifying the item to be used as fee.



  • The pallet module in each FRAME pallet hosts the most important items needed to construct this pallet.
