pub trait Config: Config {
Show 22 associated items type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>; type RuntimeHoldReason: From<HoldReason> + Parameter; type Balance: Parameter + Member + AtLeast32BitUnsigned + Default + Copy + MaybeSerializeDeserialize + MaxEncodedLen + FixedPointOperand; type CurrencyId: Parameter + Member + Copy + Ord + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen; type PreExtrTransfer: PreConditions<TransferDetails<Self::AccountId, Self::CurrencyId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>; type PreFungiblesInspect: PreConditions<FungiblesInspectEffects<Self::CurrencyId, Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = Self::Balance>; type PreFungiblesInspectHold: PreConditions<FungiblesInspectHoldEffects<Self::CurrencyId, Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>; type PreFungiblesMutate: PreConditions<FungiblesMutateEffects<Self::CurrencyId, Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>; type PreFungiblesMutateHold: PreConditions<FungiblesMutateHoldEffects<Self::CurrencyId, Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>; type PreFungiblesTransfer: PreConditions<FungiblesTransferEffects<Self::CurrencyId, Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>; type PreFungiblesUnbalanced: PreConditions<FungiblesUnbalancedEffects<Self::CurrencyId, Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>; type Fungibles: Inspect<Self::AccountId, AssetId = Self::CurrencyId, Balance = Self::Balance> + InspectHold<Self::AccountId, Reason = ()> + Mutate<Self::AccountId> + MutateHold<Self::AccountId>; type PreCurrency: PreConditions<CurrencyEffects<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>; type PreReservableCurrency: PreConditions<ReservableCurrencyEffects<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>; type PreFungibleInspect: PreConditions<FungibleInspectEffects<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = Self::Balance>; type PreFungibleInspectHold: PreConditions<FungibleInspectHoldEffects<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>; type PreFungibleMutate: PreConditions<FungibleMutateEffects<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>; type PreFungibleMutateHold: PreConditions<FungibleMutateHoldEffects<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>; type PreFungibleTransfer: PreConditions<FungibleTransferEffects<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>; type NativeFungible: Currency<Self::AccountId, Balance = Self::Balance> + LockableCurrency<Self::AccountId> + ReservableCurrency<Self::AccountId> + Inspect<Self::AccountId, Balance = Self::Balance> + InspectHold<Self::AccountId, Reason = Self::RuntimeHoldReason> + Mutate<Self::AccountId> + MutateHold<Self::AccountId>; type NativeToken: Get<Self::CurrencyId>; type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
Expand description

Configuration trait of this pallet.

The main purpose of this trait is to act as an interface between this pallet and the runtime in which it is embedded in. A type, function, or constant in this trait is essentially left to be configured by the runtime that includes this pallet.

Consequently, a runtime that wants to include this pallet must implement this trait. Configure the pallet by specifying the parameters and types on which it depends.

Required Associated Types§


type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>

Because this pallet emits events, it depends on the runtime’s definition of an event.


type RuntimeHoldReason: From<HoldReason> + Parameter

The identifier to be used for holding.


type Balance: Parameter + Member + AtLeast32BitUnsigned + Default + Copy + MaybeSerializeDeserialize + MaxEncodedLen + FixedPointOperand

The balance type


type CurrencyId: Parameter + Member + Copy + Ord + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen

The currency-id of this pallet


type PreExtrTransfer: PreConditions<TransferDetails<Self::AccountId, Self::CurrencyId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>

Checks the pre conditions for every transfer via the user api (i.e. extrinsics)


type PreFungiblesInspect: PreConditions<FungiblesInspectEffects<Self::CurrencyId, Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = Self::Balance>

Checks the pre conditions for trait fungibles::Inspect calls


type PreFungiblesInspectHold: PreConditions<FungiblesInspectHoldEffects<Self::CurrencyId, Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>

Checks the pre conditions for trait fungibles::InspectHold calls


type PreFungiblesMutate: PreConditions<FungiblesMutateEffects<Self::CurrencyId, Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>

Checks the pre conditions for trait fungibles::Mutate calls


type PreFungiblesMutateHold: PreConditions<FungiblesMutateHoldEffects<Self::CurrencyId, Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>

Checks the pre conditions for trait fungibles::MutateHold calls


type PreFungiblesTransfer: PreConditions<FungiblesTransferEffects<Self::CurrencyId, Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>

Checks the pre conditions for trait fungibles::Transfer calls


type PreFungiblesUnbalanced: PreConditions<FungiblesUnbalancedEffects<Self::CurrencyId, Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>

Checks the pre conditions for trait fungibles::Unbalanced calls


type Fungibles: Inspect<Self::AccountId, AssetId = Self::CurrencyId, Balance = Self::Balance> + InspectHold<Self::AccountId, Reason = ()> + Mutate<Self::AccountId> + MutateHold<Self::AccountId>


type PreCurrency: PreConditions<CurrencyEffects<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>

Checks the pre conditions for trait Currency calls


type PreReservableCurrency: PreConditions<ReservableCurrencyEffects<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>

Checks the pre conditions for trait ReservableCurrency calls


type PreFungibleInspect: PreConditions<FungibleInspectEffects<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = Self::Balance>

Checks the pre conditions for trait fungible::Inspect calls


type PreFungibleInspectHold: PreConditions<FungibleInspectHoldEffects<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>

Checks the pre conditions for trait fungible::InspectHold calls


type PreFungibleMutate: PreConditions<FungibleMutateEffects<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>

Checks the pre conditions for trait fungible::Mutate calls


type PreFungibleMutateHold: PreConditions<FungibleMutateHoldEffects<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>

Checks the pre conditions for trait fungible::MutateHold calls


type PreFungibleTransfer: PreConditions<FungibleTransferEffects<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>, Result = bool>

Checks the pre conditions for trait fungible::Transfer calls


type NativeFungible: Currency<Self::AccountId, Balance = Self::Balance> + LockableCurrency<Self::AccountId> + ReservableCurrency<Self::AccountId> + Inspect<Self::AccountId, Balance = Self::Balance> + InspectHold<Self::AccountId, Reason = Self::RuntimeHoldReason> + Mutate<Self::AccountId> + MutateHold<Self::AccountId>


type NativeToken: Get<Self::CurrencyId>


type WeightInfo: WeightInfo

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
