Type Alias pallet_loans::pallet::ActiveLoans

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pub type ActiveLoans<T: Config> = StorageMap<_GeneratedPrefixForStorageActiveLoans<T>, Blake2_128Concat, T::PoolId, BoundedVec<(T::LoanId, ActiveLoan<T>), T::MaxActiveLoansPerPool>, ValueQuery>;
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Storage for active loans. The indexation of this storage differs from CreatedLoan or ClosedLoan because here we try to minimize the iteration speed over all active loans in a pool.

Storage type is [StorageMap] with key type T :: PoolId and value type BoundedVec < (T :: LoanId, ActiveLoan < T >), T :: MaxActiveLoansPerPool >.

Aliased Type§

struct ActiveLoans<T: Config>(/* private fields */);