pub trait Config: Config {
Show 23 associated items type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>; type RuntimeChange: From<Change<Self>> + TryInto<Change<Self>>; type CurrencyId: Parameter + Copy + MaxEncodedLen; type CollectionId: Parameter + Member + Default + TypeInfo + Copy + MaxEncodedLen; type ItemId: Parameter + Member + Default + TypeInfo + Copy + MaxEncodedLen; type LoanId: Parameter + Member + Default + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen + Copy + EnsureAdd + One; type PriceId: Parameter + Member + TypeInfo + Copy + MaxEncodedLen + Ord; type Rate: Parameter + Member + FixedPointNumber + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen; type Balance: Balance + FixedPointOperand; type Quantity: Parameter + Member + FixedPointNumber + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen; type PerThing: Parameter + Member + PerThing + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen; type Time: TimeAsSecs; type Moment: Parameter + Member + Copy + IntoSeconds; type NonFungible: Transfer<Self::AccountId> + Inspect<Self::AccountId, CollectionId = Self::CollectionId, ItemId = Self::ItemId>; type PoolId: Member + Parameter + Default + Copy + HasCompact + MaxEncodedLen; type Pool: PoolReserve<Self::AccountId, Self::CurrencyId, Balance = Self::Balance, PoolId = Self::PoolId>; type Permissions: Permissions<Self::AccountId, Scope = PermissionScope<Self::PoolId, Self::CurrencyId>, Role = Role, Error = DispatchError>; type PriceRegistry: DataRegistry<Self::PriceId, Self::PoolId, Data = PriceOf<Self>>; type InterestAccrual: InterestAccrual<Self::Rate, Self::Balance, Adjustment<Self::Balance>, NormalizedDebt = Self::Balance>; type ChangeGuard: ChangeGuard<PoolId = Self::PoolId, ChangeId = Self::Hash, Change = Self::RuntimeChange>; type MaxActiveLoansPerPool: Get<u32>; type MaxWriteOffPolicySize: Get<u32> + Parameter; type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
Expand description

Configuration trait of this pallet.

The main purpose of this trait is to act as an interface between this pallet and the runtime in which it is embedded in. A type, function, or constant in this trait is essentially left to be configured by the runtime that includes this pallet.

Consequently, a runtime that wants to include this pallet must implement this trait.

Required Associated Types§


type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>


type RuntimeChange: From<Change<Self>> + TryInto<Change<Self>>

Represent a runtime change


type CurrencyId: Parameter + Copy + MaxEncodedLen

Identify a currency.


type CollectionId: Parameter + Member + Default + TypeInfo + Copy + MaxEncodedLen

Identify a non fungible collection


type ItemId: Parameter + Member + Default + TypeInfo + Copy + MaxEncodedLen

Identify a non fungible item


type LoanId: Parameter + Member + Default + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen + Copy + EnsureAdd + One

Identify a loan in the pallet


type PriceId: Parameter + Member + TypeInfo + Copy + MaxEncodedLen + Ord

Identify a loan in the pallet


type Rate: Parameter + Member + FixedPointNumber + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen

Defines the rate type used for math computations


type Balance: Balance + FixedPointOperand

Defines the balance type used for math computations


type Quantity: Parameter + Member + FixedPointNumber + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen

Type to represent different quantities


type PerThing: Parameter + Member + PerThing + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen

Defines the perthing type used where values can not overpass 100%


type Time: TimeAsSecs

Fetching method for the time of the current block


type Moment: Parameter + Member + Copy + IntoSeconds

Generic time type


type NonFungible: Transfer<Self::AccountId> + Inspect<Self::AccountId, CollectionId = Self::CollectionId, ItemId = Self::ItemId>

Used to mint, transfer, and inspect assets.


type PoolId: Member + Parameter + Default + Copy + HasCompact + MaxEncodedLen

The PoolId type


type Pool: PoolReserve<Self::AccountId, Self::CurrencyId, Balance = Self::Balance, PoolId = Self::PoolId>

Access to the pool


type Permissions: Permissions<Self::AccountId, Scope = PermissionScope<Self::PoolId, Self::CurrencyId>, Role = Role, Error = DispatchError>

Used to verify permissions of users


type PriceRegistry: DataRegistry<Self::PriceId, Self::PoolId, Data = PriceOf<Self>>

Used to fetch and update Oracle prices


type InterestAccrual: InterestAccrual<Self::Rate, Self::Balance, Adjustment<Self::Balance>, NormalizedDebt = Self::Balance>

Used to calculate interest accrual for debt.


type ChangeGuard: ChangeGuard<PoolId = Self::PoolId, ChangeId = Self::Hash, Change = Self::RuntimeChange>

Used to notify the runtime about changes that require special treatment.


type MaxActiveLoansPerPool: Get<u32>

Max number of active loans per pool.


type MaxWriteOffPolicySize: Get<u32> + Parameter

Max number of write-off groups per pool.


type WeightInfo: WeightInfo

Information of runtime weights

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
