pub trait Config: Config {
Show 13 associated items type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>; type ForeignBalance: Parameter + Member + AtLeast32BitUnsigned + Default + Copy + MaxEncodedLen + Into<Self::SwapBalance> + From<Self::SwapBalance> + Into<Self::PoolBalance>; type PoolBalance: Parameter + Member + AtLeast32BitUnsigned + Default + Copy + MaxEncodedLen + Into<Self::SwapBalance> + From<Self::SwapBalance> + Into<Self::ForeignBalance>; type TrancheBalance: Parameter + Member + AtLeast32BitUnsigned + Default + Copy + MaxEncodedLen; type SwapBalance: Parameter + Member + AtLeast32BitUnsigned + Default + Copy + MaxEncodedLen; type SwapRatio: Parameter + Member + Copy + MaxEncodedLen + One; type CurrencyId: Parameter + Member + Copy + MaxEncodedLen; type InvestmentId: TrancheCurrency<PoolIdOf<Self>, TrancheIdOf<Self>> + Parameter + Copy + MaxEncodedLen; type Investment: Investment<Self::AccountId, Amount = Self::PoolBalance, TrancheAmount = Self::TrancheBalance, CurrencyId = Self::CurrencyId, Error = DispatchError, InvestmentId = Self::InvestmentId>; type OrderId: Parameter + Member + Copy + Ord + MaxEncodedLen; type OrderBook: TokenSwaps<Self::AccountId, CurrencyId = Self::CurrencyId, BalanceIn = Self::SwapBalance, BalanceOut = Self::SwapBalance, Ratio = Self::SwapRatio, OrderId = Self::OrderId>; type Hooks: ForeignInvestmentHooks<Self::AccountId, Amount = Self::ForeignBalance, TrancheAmount = Self::TrancheBalance, CurrencyId = Self::CurrencyId, InvestmentId = Self::InvestmentId>; type PoolInspect: PoolInspect<Self::AccountId, Self::CurrencyId>;
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Configuration trait of this pallet.

The main purpose of this trait is to act as an interface between this pallet and the runtime in which it is embedded in. A type, function, or constant in this trait is essentially left to be configured by the runtime that includes this pallet.

Consequently, a runtime that wants to include this pallet must implement this trait. Configure the pallet by specifying the parameters and types on which it depends.

Required Associated Types§


type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>


type ForeignBalance: Parameter + Member + AtLeast32BitUnsigned + Default + Copy + MaxEncodedLen + Into<Self::SwapBalance> + From<Self::SwapBalance> + Into<Self::PoolBalance>

Represents a foreign amount


type PoolBalance: Parameter + Member + AtLeast32BitUnsigned + Default + Copy + MaxEncodedLen + Into<Self::SwapBalance> + From<Self::SwapBalance> + Into<Self::ForeignBalance>

Represents a pool amount


type TrancheBalance: Parameter + Member + AtLeast32BitUnsigned + Default + Copy + MaxEncodedLen

Represents a tranche token amount


type SwapBalance: Parameter + Member + AtLeast32BitUnsigned + Default + Copy + MaxEncodedLen

Any balances used in TokenSwaps


type SwapRatio: Parameter + Member + Copy + MaxEncodedLen + One

Ratio used for swapping amounts


type CurrencyId: Parameter + Member + Copy + MaxEncodedLen

The currency type of transferrable tokens


type InvestmentId: TrancheCurrency<PoolIdOf<Self>, TrancheIdOf<Self>> + Parameter + Copy + MaxEncodedLen

The investment identifying type required for the investment type


type Investment: Investment<Self::AccountId, Amount = Self::PoolBalance, TrancheAmount = Self::TrancheBalance, CurrencyId = Self::CurrencyId, Error = DispatchError, InvestmentId = Self::InvestmentId>

The internal investment type which handles the actual investment on top of the wrapper implementation of this Pallet


type OrderId: Parameter + Member + Copy + Ord + MaxEncodedLen

An identification for a swap order


type OrderBook: TokenSwaps<Self::AccountId, CurrencyId = Self::CurrencyId, BalanceIn = Self::SwapBalance, BalanceOut = Self::SwapBalance, Ratio = Self::SwapRatio, OrderId = Self::OrderId>

The type which exposes token swap order functionality


type Hooks: ForeignInvestmentHooks<Self::AccountId, Amount = Self::ForeignBalance, TrancheAmount = Self::TrancheBalance, CurrencyId = Self::CurrencyId, InvestmentId = Self::InvestmentId>

The hook type which acts upon a finalized investment decrement.


type PoolInspect: PoolInspect<Self::AccountId, Self::CurrencyId>

The source of truth for pool currencies.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
