pub trait Config: Config {
Show 16 associated items type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>; type AdminOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin>; type Balance: Balance + MaxEncodedLen + FixedPointOperand + MaybeSerializeDeserialize; type Weight: Parameter + MaxEncodedLen + EnsureAdd + Unsigned + FixedPointOperand + Default; type Rewards: GroupRewards<Balance = Self::Balance, GroupId = u32> + AccountRewards<Self::AccountId, Balance = Self::Balance, CurrencyId = <Self as Config>::CurrencyId> + CurrencyGroupChange<GroupId = u32, CurrencyId = <Self as Config>::CurrencyId>; type Tokens: Mutate<Self::AccountId> + Inspect<Self::AccountId, AssetId = <Self as Config>::CurrencyId, Balance = Self::Balance> + FungibleMutate<Self::AccountId> + FungibleInspect<Self::AccountId, Balance = Self::Balance>; type CurrencyId: Parameter + Member + Copy + Ord + MaxEncodedLen; type StakeCurrencyId: Get<<Self as Config>::CurrencyId>; type StakeAmount: Get<<Self as Config>::Balance>; type StakeGroupId: Get<u32>; type MaxCollators: Get<u32> + TypeInfo + Debug + Clone + PartialEq; type TreasuryPalletId: Get<PalletId>; type AuthorityId: Member + Parameter + RuntimeAppPublic + MaybeSerializeDeserialize + MaxEncodedLen; type Rate: Parameter + Member + FixedPointNumberExtension + MaybeSerializeDeserialize + MaxEncodedLen; type Time: TimeAsSecs; type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
Expand description

Configuration trait of this pallet.

The main purpose of this trait is to act as an interface between this pallet and the runtime in which it is embedded in. A type, function, or constant in this trait is essentially left to be configured by the runtime that includes this pallet.

Consequently, a runtime that wants to include this pallet must implement this trait.

Required Associated Types§


type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>


type AdminOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin>

Required origin for admin purposes for configuring groups and currencies.


type Balance: Balance + MaxEncodedLen + FixedPointOperand + MaybeSerializeDeserialize

Type used to handle balances.


type Weight: Parameter + MaxEncodedLen + EnsureAdd + Unsigned + FixedPointOperand + Default

Type used to handle group weights.


type Rewards: GroupRewards<Balance = Self::Balance, GroupId = u32> + AccountRewards<Self::AccountId, Balance = Self::Balance, CurrencyId = <Self as Config>::CurrencyId> + CurrencyGroupChange<GroupId = u32, CurrencyId = <Self as Config>::CurrencyId>

The reward system used.


type Tokens: Mutate<Self::AccountId> + Inspect<Self::AccountId, AssetId = <Self as Config>::CurrencyId, Balance = Self::Balance> + FungibleMutate<Self::AccountId> + FungibleInspect<Self::AccountId, Balance = Self::Balance>

The type used to handle currency minting and burning for collators.


type CurrencyId: Parameter + Member + Copy + Ord + MaxEncodedLen

The currency type of the artificial block rewards currency.


type StakeCurrencyId: Get<<Self as Config>::CurrencyId>

The identifier of the artificial block rewards currency which is minted and burned for collators.


type StakeAmount: Get<<Self as Config>::Balance>

The amount of the artificial block rewards currency which is minted and burned for collators.


type StakeGroupId: Get<u32>

The identifier of the collator group.


type MaxCollators: Get<u32> + TypeInfo + Debug + Clone + PartialEq


type TreasuryPalletId: Get<PalletId>

Treasury pallet


type AuthorityId: Member + Parameter + RuntimeAppPublic + MaybeSerializeDeserialize + MaxEncodedLen

The identifier type for an authority.


type Rate: Parameter + Member + FixedPointNumberExtension + MaybeSerializeDeserialize + MaxEncodedLen

The inflation rate type


type Time: TimeAsSecs

The source of truth for the current time in seconds


type WeightInfo: WeightInfo

Information of runtime weights

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
