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// Copyright 2021 Centrifuge GmbH (centrifuge.io).
// This file is part of Centrifuge chain project.
// Centrifuge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses).
// Centrifuge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
use frame_support::{dispatch::DispatchResult, weights::Weight};
use sp_runtime::{app_crypto::sp_core::H160, DispatchError};
use sp_std::vec::Vec;
/// Type that represents the hash of an LP message.
pub type MessageHash = [u8; 32];
/// An encoding & decoding trait for the purpose of meeting the
/// LiquidityPools General Message Passing Format
pub trait LpMessageSerializer: Sized {
/// Serialize the message
fn serialize(&self) -> Vec<u8>;
/// Deserialize the message
fn deserialize(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, DispatchError>;
/// Behavior or a message that can be batched
pub trait LpMessageBatch: Sized {
/// Extend this message with a new one
fn pack_with(&mut self, other: Self) -> DispatchResult;
/// Decompose the message into a list of messages
/// If the message is not decomposable, it returns the own message.
fn submessages(&self) -> Vec<Self>;
/// Creates an empty message.
/// It's the identity message for composing messages with pack_with
fn empty() -> Self;
/// Support for hashing
pub trait LpMessageHash {
/// Retrieves the message hash, if the message is a proof type.
fn get_message_hash(&self) -> MessageHash;
/// Behavior of a message that can support proofs
pub trait LpMessageProof: LpMessageHash {
/// Returns whether the message is a proof or not.
fn is_proof_message(&self) -> bool;
/// Converts the message into a message proof type.
fn to_proof_message(&self) -> Self;
//Behavior of a message that support recovery
pub trait LpMessageRecovery: LpMessageHash {
/// Creates a message used for initiating message recovery.
/// Hash - hash of the message that should be recovered.
/// Router - the address of the recovery router.
fn initiate_recovery_message(hash: MessageHash, router: [u8; 32]) -> Self;
/// Creates a message used for disputing message recovery.
/// Hash - hash of the message that should be disputed.
/// Router - the address of the recovery router.
fn dispute_recovery_message(hash: MessageHash, router: [u8; 32]) -> Self;
/// Behavior of a message that can be forwarded
pub trait LpMessageForwarded: Sized {
type Domain;
/// Checks whether a message is a forwarded one.
fn is_forwarded(&self) -> bool;
/// Unwraps a forwarded message.
fn unwrap_forwarded(self) -> Option<(Self::Domain, H160, Self)>;
/// Attempts to wrap into a forwarded message.
fn try_wrap_forward(
domain: Self::Domain,
forwarding_contract: H160,
message: Self,
) -> Result<Self, DispatchError>;
pub trait RouterProvider<Domain>: Sized {
/// The router identifier.
type RouterId;
/// Returns a list of routers supported for the given domain.
fn routers_for_domain(domain: Domain) -> Vec<Self::RouterId>;
/// The behavior of an entity that can send messages
pub trait MessageSender {
/// The middleware by where this message is sent
type Middleware;
/// The originator of the message to be sent
type Origin;
/// The type of the message
type Message;
/// Sends a message for origin to destination
fn send(
middleware: Self::Middleware,
origin: Self::Origin,
message: Self::Message,
) -> DispatchResult;
/// The behavior of an entity that can receive messages
pub trait MessageReceiver {
/// The middleware by where this message is received
type Middleware;
/// The originator of the received message
type Origin;
type Message;
/// Sends a message for origin to destination
fn receive(
middleware: Self::Middleware,
origin: Self::Origin,
message: Self::Message,
) -> DispatchResult;
/// The trait required for queueing messages.
pub trait MessageQueue {
/// The message type.
type Message;
/// Submit a message to the queue.
fn queue(msg: Self::Message) -> DispatchResult;
/// The trait required for processing dequeued messages.
pub trait MessageProcessor {
/// The message type.
type Message;
/// Process a message.
fn process(msg: Self::Message) -> (DispatchResult, Weight);
/// Max weight that processing a message can take.
fn max_processing_weight(msg: &Self::Message) -> Weight;
/// The trait required for handling outbound LP messages.
pub trait OutboundMessageHandler {
/// The sender type of the outbound message.
type Sender;
/// The destination type of the outbound message.
type Destination;
/// The message type.
type Message;
/// Handle an outbound message.
fn handle(
sender: Self::Sender,
destination: Self::Destination,
msg: Self::Message,
) -> DispatchResult;
/// The trait required for handling inbound LP messages.
pub trait InboundMessageHandler {
/// The sender type of the inbound message.
type Sender;
/// The message type.
type Message;
/// Handle an inbound message.
fn handle(sender: Self::Sender, msg: Self::Message) -> DispatchResult;