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// Copyright 2021 Centrifuge GmbH (centrifuge.io).
// This file is part of Centrifuge chain project.
// Centrifuge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses).
// Centrifuge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
use sp_runtime::{DispatchError, DispatchResult};
use sp_std::fmt::Debug;
/// A trait for converting from a PoolId and a TranchId
/// into a given Self::Currency
pub trait TrancheCurrency<PoolId, TrancheId> {
fn generate(pool_id: PoolId, tranche_id: TrancheId) -> Self;
fn of_pool(&self) -> PoolId;
fn of_tranche(&self) -> TrancheId;
impl<PoolId: Clone, TrancheId: Clone> TrancheCurrency<PoolId, TrancheId> for (PoolId, TrancheId) {
fn generate(pool_id: PoolId, tranche_id: TrancheId) -> Self {
(pool_id, tranche_id)
fn of_pool(&self) -> PoolId {
fn of_tranche(&self) -> TrancheId {
/// A trait, when implemented allows to invest into
/// investment classes
pub trait Investment<AccountId> {
type Amount;
type TrancheAmount;
type CurrencyId;
type Error: Debug;
type InvestmentId;
/// Updates the current investment amount of who into the
/// investment class to amount.
/// Meaning: if amount < previous investment, then investment
/// will be reduced, and increases in the opposite case.
fn update_investment(
who: &AccountId,
investment_id: Self::InvestmentId,
amount: Self::Amount,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Returns, if possible, the currently unprocessed investment amount (in
/// pool currency) of who into the given investment class.
/// NOTE: If the investment was (partially) processed, the unprocessed
/// amount is only updated upon collecting.
fn investment(
who: &AccountId,
investment_id: Self::InvestmentId,
) -> Result<Self::Amount, Self::Error>;
/// Updates the current redemption amount (in tranche tokens) of who into
/// the investment class to amount.
/// Meaning: if amount < previous redemption, then the redemption
/// will be reduced, and increased in the opposite case.
/// NOTE: Redemptions are bound by the processed investment amount.
fn update_redemption(
who: &AccountId,
investment_id: Self::InvestmentId,
amount: Self::TrancheAmount,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Returns, if possible, the currently unprocessed redemption amount (in
/// tranche tokens) of who into the given investment class.
/// NOTE: If the redemption was (partially) processed, the unprocessed
/// amount is only updated upon collecting.
fn redemption(
who: &AccountId,
investment_id: Self::InvestmentId,
) -> Result<Self::TrancheAmount, Self::Error>;
/// A trait which allows to collect existing investments and redemptions.
pub trait InvestmentCollector<AccountId> {
type Error: Debug;
type InvestmentId;
type Result;
/// Collect the results of a user's invest orders for the given
/// investment. If any amounts are not fulfilled they are directly
/// appended to the next active order for this investment.
fn collect_investment(
who: AccountId,
investment_id: Self::InvestmentId,
) -> Result<Self::Result, Self::Error>;
/// Collect the results of a users redeem orders for the given
/// investment. If any amounts are not fulfilled they are directly
/// appended to the next active order for this investment.
fn collect_redemption(
who: AccountId,
investment_id: Self::InvestmentId,
) -> Result<Self::Result, Self::Error>;
/// A trait, when implemented must take care of
/// collecting orders (invest & redeem) for a given investment class.
/// When being asked it must return the current orders and
/// when being singled about a fulfillment, it must act accordingly.
pub trait OrderManager {
type Error;
type InvestmentId;
type Orders;
type Fulfillment;
/// When called the manager return the current
/// invest orders for the given investment class.
fn invest_orders(asset_id: Self::InvestmentId) -> Self::Orders;
/// When called the manager return the current
/// redeem orders for the given investment class.
fn redeem_orders(asset_id: Self::InvestmentId) -> Self::Orders;
/// When called the manager return the current
/// invest orders for the given investment class.
/// Callers of this method can expect that the returned
/// orders equal the returned orders from `invest_orders`.
/// **NOTE:** Once this is called, the OrderManager is expected
/// to start a new round of orders and return an error if this
/// method is to be called again before `invest_fulfillment` is
/// called.
fn process_invest_orders(asset_id: Self::InvestmentId) -> Result<Self::Orders, Self::Error>;
/// When called the manager return the current
/// invest orders for the given investment class.
/// Callers of this method can expect that the returned
/// orders equal the returned orders from `redeem_orders`.
/// **NOTE:** Once this is called, the OrderManager is expected
/// to start a new round of orders and return an error if this
/// method is to be called again before `redeem_fulfillment` is
/// called.
fn process_redeem_orders(asset_id: Self::InvestmentId) -> Result<Self::Orders, Self::Error>;
/// Signals the manager that the previously
/// fetch invest orders for a given investment class
/// will be fulfilled by fulfillment.
fn invest_fulfillment(
asset_id: Self::InvestmentId,
fulfillment: Self::Fulfillment,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Signals the manager that the previously
/// fetch redeem orders for a given investment class
/// will be fulfilled by fulfillment.
fn redeem_fulfillment(
asset_id: Self::InvestmentId,
fulfillment: Self::Fulfillment,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// A trait who's implementer provides means of accounting
/// for investments of a generic kind.
pub trait InvestmentAccountant<AccountId> {
type Error;
type InvestmentId;
type InvestmentInfo;
type Amount;
/// Information about an asset. Must allow to derive
/// owner, payment and denomination currency
fn info(id: Self::InvestmentId) -> Result<Self::InvestmentInfo, Self::Error>;
/// Return the balance of a given user for the given investmnet
fn balance(id: Self::InvestmentId, who: &AccountId) -> Self::Amount;
/// Transfer a given investment from source, to destination
fn transfer(
id: Self::InvestmentId,
source: &AccountId,
dest: &AccountId,
amount: Self::Amount,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Increases the existence of
fn deposit(
buyer: &AccountId,
id: Self::InvestmentId,
amount: Self::Amount,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Reduce the existence of an asset
fn withdraw(
seller: &AccountId,
id: Self::InvestmentId,
amount: Self::Amount,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Trait to handle investments in (presumably) foreign currencies, i.e., other
/// currencies than the pool currency.
/// NOTE: Has many similarities with the [Investment] trait.
pub trait ForeignInvestment<AccountId> {
type Amount;
type TrancheAmount;
type CurrencyId;
type InvestmentId;
/// Initiates the increment of a foreign investment amount in
/// `foreign_payment_currency` of who into the investment class
/// `pool_currency` to amount.
/// NOTE: In general, we can assume that the foreign and pool currencies
/// mismatch and that swapping one into the other happens asynchronously. In
/// that case, the finalization of updating the investment needs to be
/// handled decoupled from the ForeignInvestment trait, e.g., by some hook.
fn increase_foreign_investment(
who: &AccountId,
investment_id: Self::InvestmentId,
amount: Self::Amount,
foreign_payment_currency: Self::CurrencyId,
) -> DispatchResult;
/// Initiates a cancellation of a foreign investment in
/// `foreign_payment_currency` of who into the investment class
/// `pool_currency` to amount.
/// NOTE: In general, we can assume that the foreign and pool currencies
/// mismatch and that swapping one into the other happens asynchronously. In
/// that case, the finalization of updating the investment needs to be
/// handled decoupled from the ForeignInvestment trait, e.g., by some hook.
fn cancel_foreign_investment(
who: &AccountId,
investment_id: Self::InvestmentId,
foreign_payment_currency: Self::CurrencyId,
) -> DispatchResult;
/// Initiates the increment of a foreign redemption amount for the given
/// investment id.
/// NOTE: The `foreign_payout_currency` is only required to ensure
/// subsequent redemption updating calls match to the original chosen
/// `foreign_payment_currency`.
fn increase_foreign_redemption(
who: &AccountId,
investment_id: Self::InvestmentId,
amount: Self::TrancheAmount,
foreign_payout_currency: Self::CurrencyId,
) -> DispatchResult;
/// Initiates the cancellation of a foreign redemption.
/// Returns the cancelled tranche tokens amount.
/// NOTES:
/// * The decrementing redemption amount is bound by the previously
/// incremented redemption amount.
/// * The `foreign_payout_currency` is only required for the potential
/// dispatch of a response message.
fn cancel_foreign_redemption(
who: &AccountId,
investment_id: Self::InvestmentId,
foreign_payout_currency: Self::CurrencyId,
) -> Result<Self::TrancheAmount, DispatchError>;
/// Trait used to receive information asynchronously from a ForeignInvestment
/// implementation
pub trait ForeignInvestmentHooks<AccountId> {
type Amount;
type TrancheAmount;
type CurrencyId;
type InvestmentId;
/// An async cancellation has been done
fn fulfill_cancel_investment(
who: &AccountId,
investment_id: Self::InvestmentId,
currency_id: Self::CurrencyId,
amount_cancelled: Self::Amount,
fulfilled: Self::Amount,
) -> DispatchResult;
/// An async investment collection has been done
fn fulfill_collect_investment(
who: &AccountId,
investment_id: Self::InvestmentId,
currency_id: Self::CurrencyId,
amount_collected: Self::Amount,
tranche_tokens_payout: Self::TrancheAmount,
) -> DispatchResult;
/// An async redemption collection has been done
fn fulfill_collect_redemption(
who: &AccountId,
investment_id: Self::InvestmentId,
currency_id: Self::CurrencyId,
tranche_tokens_collected: Self::TrancheAmount,
amount_payout: Self::Amount,
) -> DispatchResult;