pub fn get_account_portfolio<T>(
    investor: AccountId
) -> Result<Vec<(InvestmentId, InvestmentPortfolio<Balance, CurrencyId>)>, DispatchError>
where T: Config<AccountId = AccountId> + Config<InvestmentId = InvestmentId, Amount = Balance> + Config<Balance = Balance, CurrencyId = CurrencyId> + Config<Balance = Balance, CurrencyId = CurrencyId> + Config<PoolId = PoolId, CurrencyId = CurrencyId>,
Expand description

Get the PoolId, CurrencyId, InvestmentId, and Balance for all investments for an account.

NOTE: Moving inner scope to any pallet would introduce tight(er) coupling due to requirement of iterating over storage maps which in turn require the pallet’s Config trait.