pub type PoolEssenceOf<T> = PoolEssence<<T as Config>::CurrencyId, <T as Config>::Balance, <T as Config>::TrancheCurrency, <T as Config>::Rate, <T as Config>::StringLimit>;

Aliased Type§

struct PoolEssenceOf<T> {
    pub currency: <T as Config>::CurrencyId,
    pub max_reserve: <T as Config>::Balance,
    pub max_nav_age: u64,
    pub min_epoch_time: u64,
    pub tranches: Vec<TrancheEssence<<T as Config>::TrancheCurrency, <T as Config>::Rate, <T as Config>::StringLimit>>,


§currency: <T as Config>::CurrencyId

Currency that the pool is denominated in (immutable).

§max_reserve: <T as Config>::Balance

The maximum allowed reserve on a given pool

§max_nav_age: u64

Maximum time between the NAV update and the epoch closing.

§min_epoch_time: u64

Minimum duration for an epoch.

§tranches: Vec<TrancheEssence<<T as Config>::TrancheCurrency, <T as Config>::Rate, <T as Config>::StringLimit>>

Tranches on a pool